The life without limits of María Cecilia Santos

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The life without limits of María Cecilia Santos

19 octubre, 2018 | support | blog

My brain occupied 30% in the vision, now I have 30% more than all of you in my other senses,” said Maria Cecilia Santos generating laughter in all those who attended the Blue Room of San Francisco University. “A life without limits” is the first book of the artist and lecturer.

The people we do not see, we see more. I did not see the importance of things, I saw the physical. For me darkness became light, “Santos said. The event was also attended by Carlos Montúfar, rector of the USFQ: “I remember when you arrived at the university to ask if you could resume your career. The first thing I did was talk to all the teachers and here you are now after 20 years, she recalled.

A life without limits” gathers all the experiences and reflections of María Cecilia, before and after the accident that, in her words, only made her lose her sight. How it was for her to be a mother of two children, all the trips she made after the accident, how she changed her perception of the physical world and more. “Barriers are created by yourself. My life is spectacular, now more than before, she said.

I can not earn all the honors if I’m here, it’s thanks to my uncle Abelardo, he edited it from start to finish. He found the publisher and soon we will go to Miami for a tour, she said. The event ended with the signing of the book and a toast celebrating and inviting everyone to buy the work of overcoming the artist.

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